Well, last week was a great week. It was full of "down time," but I was extremely busy. I really believe it was a time of "detoxing" from my world of busyness and trying to learn how to abide in Christ.
God reconfirmed His call for me to join Him in His work in Tokyo, Japan, and I am as excited as ever to continue down this road with Him. You will see pictures of several new friends I made this last week. I pray that we will continue to allow these friendships to grow even though we will be in very different places around the globe.
In case you don't know, the ILC (International Learning Center) is owned and maintained by the IMB (International Mission Board). So, if you are a member of a Southern Baptist Church, and support the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering then this is YOUR ILC.
I did find out this week that I cannot attend my FPO (field personnel orientation) until my house is "dealt with." This means that my house MUST be rented, leased, or sold before I can be accepted for FPO. My goal has been to attend FPO April-June and be in Tokyo by July. If I do not make it to the April FPO then I will have to wait until July and not get to Tokyo until October. It is all about HIS perfect timing, and I am ok with what fits best in His plan. But, we are told to make our requests known to Him, so I am asking for you to join me in praying that my house is rented, leased, or sold by March 20, 2009 so that I may attend FPO beginning April 20, 2009.
Ask yourself the same question I am asking myself. "What does it mean to truly abide in Him?" He is the vine and we are the branches. What does being a branch mean? Have you ever thought about that? Well, that is where I am right now. Learning what it means to be a branch, and then trying to be that!
Enjoy the photos, and thanks for your prayers!