Well it has been TOO long since I last posted on this blog. I am now in Tokyo (been here a little more than a week), so the adventure has begun.
C.C.Lemon is my new favorite drink. And yes, that is a Subway in the background!!! God really is good!!! The picture of the group is a group of Campus Crusade students from Vietnam and Hong Kong on a mission trip here to Tokyo. This picture was taken the second time we "ran into" each other.
I was spending time with DADDY this morning in Philippians chapter 3 and read the following note in my Bible. First, I was struck with the first 5 words of Philippians 3:10 - "I want to know Christ..." Oh my!!! I realized that out of all the "wants" in my life, HE must be the only one that matters. To say at the beginning, middle, and end of every moment of every day, simply "I want to know Christ." Wow!! What a desire I must have.
"Paul gave up everything - family, friendships, and freedom - in order to know Christ and his resurrection power. We too have access to this knowledge and this power, but we may have to make sacrifices to enjoy it fully. What are you willing to give up in order to know Christ? A crowded schedule in order to set aside a few minutes each day for prayer and Bible study? Your friend's approval? Some of your plans or pleasures? Whatever it is, knowing Christ is more than worth the sacrifice." Life Application Bible Philippians 3:9,10
Many of you said how proud you are of me for making the sacrifice to come here to tell people about Jesus' love for them. That is very kind of you, but I am just obeying my Master's call. There have been many sacrifices made by myself, my family, and my friends in getting me here. I pray that each and every sacrifice we have made together result in knowing Christ more. I am not the only one who has sacrificed to come to Tokyo. My family had to let go of their daughter, sister, and aunt. My friends had to say "good-bye" and now have to schedule phone calls and emails. We are all walking down a new road on this adventure, and I pray that you do not walk it alone. I am not!!! I am walking with my Lord Jesus. "He walks with me, and He talks with me. And He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there. None other, has ever known!" Please walk with Him. I want you to know this joy too. I want you to know Him more through your sacrifice.
This new adventure has absolutely nothing to do with me. It is all about Him!!!!! If you want to be proud, then please be proud of being a child of God. I am just His bond-servant. I have no rights of my own. He bought me at the price of His Son's blood. It is all for His glory and honor. And, HE IS WORTH EVERY SACRIFICE MADE!!!!
Just found your blog page. Know that I promised you that I would keep in touch with you after your rescued me during Quinton Jr.'s birthday party at the skating rink. Have never ventured out of my yahoo account to a blog page. So this is a bold adventure for me.
You are so right about our need of wanting to know him deeper and that being in obedience to His call is the most important thing we can do to show Him that we love Him. We cannot let the things of this world defeat us and keep us from following God's will in our lives. You have stepped out on faith to answer His call. God is smiling in pride of your obedience.
Quinton Jr and the girls, Courtney and Cierra, are coping okay. I can detect no real signs that our divorce has adversely affected them. Unfortunately the same is not true for me. I am in the divorce care class and we have one more session left on 22 July. In my mind I know that I did the right thing in not keeping him under our roof when he refused to break off his other relationship or see it as a danger to restoring our marriage and family. But the other parts of me are having a hard coping with being without him.
Love you and will pray for you while you carry out God's plans for your life as His vessel. Cheryl
Hey Sharon,
Hope you are adjusting well. I enjoy reading about your adventures so far. Sandy and I miss you and look forward to reading your blog. Take care and keep up the good work.
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